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Research Article Menopause

Dietary profile and nutritional status of climacteric women

Vanessa Huber Idalencio, Francieli Aline Conte , Ligia Beatriz Bento Franz

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Objective: To identify the dietary profile and nutritional status of climacteric women, and the relationship between these two spheres. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 140 women between 35 and 65 years old, examined about dietary patterns and nutritional status and later analysis of the relationship between diet classification and body mass index, waist circumference, and body fat percentage. Results: The dietary pattern presented a median score, related to nutritional status of overweight and obesity, high or very high waist circumference, and percentages of high or very high fat mass; statistical association between dietary pattern classification and body mass index as well as waist circumference was found. No statistical association was found between the classification of diet and the percentage of body fat. Conclusions: These data reinforce the need for continuity of the project to elucidate the phenomenon of menopause and identify the potential risks arising from the aging process related to the climacteric.


climacteric; nutritional status; feeding.


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