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Review Article Menopause

Influence of climacteric symptoms in women’s quality of life: integrative review

Geyslane Pereira de Melo, Aurélio Molina da Costa

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Objective: Verify the influence of menopausal symptoms on quality of life of women. Method: Literature review through the Health Virtual Library using as strategy these search descriptors: women’s health, climacteric, menopause, change of life, quality of life, signs and symptoms, complaints and symptoms and clinical manifestations. Results: Our findings suggest that the climacteric symptoms corroborate with low self-esteem and decreased quality of life in women causing problems in their personal and professional relationships showing the importance of the role of health professionals, particularly nurses, in promoting educational strategies and supporting women in this stage of the women lives. Conclusion: The signs and climacteric symptoms can affect women quality of life and their biopsychosocial welfare suggesting that the presence of a qualified professional can alleviate and, in some cases, reverse the negative context.


climacteric; nursing; climacteric symptoms; quality of life.


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