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Research Article Assisted Reproduction

Comparative study of regulations of Assisted Reproduction between England, Italy, Norway and Ireland

Amanda de Oliveira Alves, Carolina Pinhol Vieira, Patricia de Azambuja, Maria Lecticia Firpe Penna1

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Objective: To compare the regulations of Assisted Human Reproduction in England, Italy, Norway and Ireland, countries that have a high Human Development Index. Method: Cross-sectional qualitative study of regulations of Assisted Human Reproduction in England, Italy, Norway and Ireland, countries with Human Development Index above 0,8. Results: Italy, England and Norway have specific laws of Assisted Human Reproduction. Ireland is the only one with a Guide of Professional Conduct and Ethics issued by the Federal Council of Medicine of the country. Conclusion: The similar situation of Human Development Index in the studied countries has no influence in the Assisted Human Reproduction regulations.


human reproduction; laws; regulations; HDI.


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