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UPDATE ARTICLE Fertility Preservation

Diverse family dynamics: reproductive, social, ethical, and legal perspectives in Brazil

Carla Maria Franco Dias, Ludmila Machado Neves Bercaire, Estella Thaisa Sontag dos Reis, Mary Elly Alves Negrão, Camylla Felipe Silva, Bruna Holanda Luz do Nascimento, Charles Schneider Borges1, Paula Andrea de Albuquerque Salles Navarro, Lucia Alves da Silva Lara

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Objectives: Nowadays, the concept of family encompasses new family structures, based on affectionate and cohabitation relationships, rather than being solely restricted to marriage between a man and a woman and their descendants. This article aims to discuss some social, ethical-legal, and reproductive aspects related to so-called plural families in Brazil. Methods: Mini-review of the literature presenting the most relevant information and some peculiarities related to assisted reproduction techniques and legal aspects related to family constitution and civil registration in plural families. Results: Assisted reproduction techniques made it possible for some individuals and couples to have biological offspring under conditions where natural conception might pose challenges, resulting in different family configurations. In Brazil, ethical standards for the use of assisted reproduction are regulated by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the civil registration of individuals resulting from these treatments follows the conditional regulations of the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Conclusion: Reproductive medicine has played a crucial role in mitigating prejudice and working towards greater equality between individuals in the formation of their families. However, many challenges and controversies related to ethical-legal aspects still permeate this topic.


Diverse Families; Health Services for Transgender Persons; Reproduction; Sexual and Gender Minorities; Single Parent; Transgender Persons


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