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Systematic Review Assisted Reproduction

Air quality control on in vitro fertilization outcomes in assisted reproduction laboratories: a systematic review

Bruna Sabbag Pontes, Marília Leão Pereira Resende, Eduardo Camelo de Castro

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Objectives: Embryology laboratories’ air quality affects the success of human assisted reproduction. In this paper we made a review of studies that assessed the importance of air quality control of embryology laboratories in the success of assisted human reproduction. Methods: A systematic review was made with studies presented in the following database: PUBMED, Lilacs and Scielo submitted. The researched articles refer to the years 1996 to 2016, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The keywords were air quality control, in vitro fertilization, embryology, assisted human reproduction, laboratory environment, volatile organic compounds and clean room. Results: Thirty three articles were found. From these, eight studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All of them used air filters. Conclusions: The reviewed studies show a trend of improvement in pregnancy rates due to the introduction of filters in IVF laboratories. Apparently, the greater the level of control of environmental pollution and elimination of VOCs.


Air quality; in vitro fertilization; HEPA filter; VOC filter.


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