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Use of Gosereline in the preservation of fertility in young women with breast cancer: a bibliographical review

Flávio Chagas de Albuquerque, Iolanda Matias Gomes, Luiz Alberto Mattos, Márcia Silva de Oliveira

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The fertility preservation in cancer patients is a concern that mobilizes researchers worldwide, since ovarian failure after chemotherapy is an important issue. Several methods have been developed to increase the chances of pregnancy after cancer treatment, such as the use of Gosereline, a Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Agonist adjuvant to chemotherapy, for ovarian protection. A review of the literature was done, and after exclusion criteria, eight studies were selected. In general, all evaluated studies discusses that Goserelin is a good option for reducing the risk of premature ovarian failure, since it is able to preserves ovarian function. Moreover, GnRH agonist used concomitantly with chemotherapy in a breast cancer patient appears to protect against the harmful effects of chemotherapy, with a high probability of pregnancy, improved fertility and long-term survival. Nevertheless, all studies agree that further prospective and randomized studies are required.


GnRH agonist; fertility preservation; ovarian failure; chemotherapy


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